Threads: Search vulnerabilities on the website. Then get credentials to open new vulnerable functions and exploit to get flag.
Link: Challenge Web01-WhiteHat Chellenge 04 (2017)
-First: I've found links: and
I think the vulnerability website is LFI.
-I see ?p=dogs and ?p=cats so I think code-behind will look like:
error_reporting(0); // hidden PHP's error.
if(isset($_GET['p'])) {
if (!strpos($file,"filter")) {
-So, I used php://filter to read code-behind of index site.
You can refer to:
My Payload is:
After that: I decode the first line by and I have code php:
And now, I see a file accounts.php so I use payload to get the contents of the file acconuts.
After decode the base64-code I have account to login website:
-After login website, I saw a link: so I think it may be vulnerable to sql injection vulnerabilities.
So I attacked sql injection and I saw:
I think it filter out the spaces. So, I attack sql injection bypass filter out the spaces.
I found the database() is petworld, the table in the petworld database is Flag.
Finally, I found the flag in the Flag table.
The Flag is: Where_there_is_a_will,_there_is_a_way.